Our Darbs, such a kind, caring, loyal and funny soul, one of the best friends you could ask for. The world was a brighter place with him in it.
The hand he was dealt was so cruel and unfair, but no matter what was thrown at him, he just did his best to get on with it, a true warrior right to the end.
One of the quieter ones of the group, he could go an hour with out saying a word, and then that one sentence would have us all in stitches. The king of one liners! I think every single one of us had a soft spot for him, and why wouldn’t you, he made it so easy to love him.
I’m so lucky to have over 23 years of memories, all happy ones. Whether it was a day/night/weekend on the lash, or weekend away to Whitby or Scarborough, we had the best laughs. Far too many to just pick a few to mention. From the very first time I met him, serving him in the woodlands, he had me laughing.
I will be forever grateful for our friendship, and I already miss you immensely. Rest easy Darbs, and thank you for being my friend xx Love always, until we meet again, Mel xx
27th September 2023