Darren's recent shopping activities have kept us smiling

Created by Heather 8 months ago

Darren loved a bit of online shopping, in particular Amazon & Shein, and over the last few months has kept us all amused with some of his random purchases....I never knew what was going to come through the door!

I thought we'd share some of these items to make you smile.


2 pairs of trainers
A pair of jeans
2 pairs of sunglasses
2 Torches
3 T-shirts (some of which only Darren would get away wearing)
5 pairs of shorts
6 baseball hats
2 supersoaker water guns
3 watches
Bright red silicone kitchen utensils
US Dollar counting jars & wallet
Dog toys (for his fur babies)
A really special snuggly blanket, mug & T-shirt (for me)
A pasta Drainer